Yay ^^
Hmmmm, if I could actually work flash I'd've done my own parts with the frame-by-framing of each line... But what can't be helped can't be helped. I think it turned own quite well.
Style, Dogzin? What is style? You have no claim to style, love. Well done, you've made either: A. a collaboration. THAT'S never been done before, of course, so it's definately your style. B. Stealing my art without my direct permission and recoloring it like you've never seen a female body before. I have to admit, I really really love that style, Dogzin. C. Shit. Speaks for itself.
Xenothingy, I think you're being too harsh... Although it isn't the most finely toned of things, it's not crappy (like most of Dogzin's flash) either. The art wasn't that bad, you really gave us a very unfair mark for that. Perhaps you were going on the frame-by-frame instead of the finished product? If not, I'd love for you to send me a message and tell me what was wrong with my art (which I'm sure you can identify between because of the different art styles - I draw the strange looking women with long eyelashes, FireNuke draws the more cute-sy animé.)
JohnGames, it was NOT - I repeat, NOT blammed before: FireNuke removed it himself. It maintained a score of 2.8. Regardless of how 'the audience of NewGrounds' wants things, I think we did the right thing on doing something different than others (fuck you, Dogzin, fuck you)... If you were given exactly the same meal that you liked every single day, you'd grow to hate it eventually, wouldn't you?
Liam, you're an idiot.
Snow, thankyou! Umm... Well, go and watch 'Teh Magic RPG' by FireNuke, that has a story for you. Appetite satiated for am plot, yet?